10 Signs you need to test your hormones

Are you experiencing any of these frustrating symptoms?

👉Irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, painful periods⁣
👉Hair loss or thinning and/or growth of facial hair
👉Hot flashes or night sweats
👉Low libido or painful sex
👉Vaginal dryness
👉Skin changes: Rapid aging, wrinkles, acne
👉Weight gain – especially around the midsection
👉Mood changes – depression, anxiety, irritability
👉Brain fog, memory issues
👉Family history or increased risk for cardiovascular disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Osteoporosis

If you answered yes to any of these, then it’s time to take control of your hormone heath. You don’t have to settle when it comes to your health and wellbeing. You deserve to feel energized, happy and balanced✨.

Hormones play important roles in physical, mental and emotional health. Gaining a better understanding of your hormones is the first step towards regaining your well-being and feeling your best.

Testing provides a deeper look at your hormone levels and what’s happening within your body.

Hormone testing is important for ALL women at ALL ages – those who are cycling, perimenopausal or post-menopausal and even those on hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone testing provides valuable insights to empower you to take control and reclaim your hormone and overall health.

Ignoring your symptoms won’t make them disappear.

If you are ready to take control of your hormone health, I’m here to help! Schedule a Free Consultation

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