Reducing Holiday Stress and Burnout

Don't Let Stress Ruin Your Holiday Joy

The holidays are in full swing!  Time with family and friends, decorations, holiday music, travel, shopping, gift giving, decadent food and fun drinks are just some of the things that make the season wonderful.  But along with all the excitement and joy, the holiday season can be overwhelming and stressful.

Holidays are particularly difficult for women, because they are usually the ones who pull everything together. Women plan the gatherings, make travel plans, bake cookies and make the meals, decorate the home, shop for and wrap the presents, and do everything possible to make the holiday perfect and ensure everyone is happy.

Taking care of all of this holiday cheer requires time and energy, leaving little to no time for taking care of yourself, which can lead to overwhelm and burnout.

IF you are wondering what holiday burnout looks like, here are a few ways it shows up:

  • You feel exhausted ALL the time
  • You have trouble sleeping- you are tired, but wired
  • Your feel irritable and easily annoyed
  • You skip meals and make poor food choices
  • You can focus or concentrate
  • You can’t seem to get ahead of your to do list
  • You feel dizzy or lightheaded
  • Your head aches and your neck and shoulders are tight
  • You get sick easily and take a long time to get better

These symptoms can indicate other things, too, but often they are all related to stress and burnout. When you are burnt out, even the most simple tasks feels overwhelming. So it’s important to have a plan and strategies in place to help you get through the holiday with more joy and less stress!

Managing Holiday (and life) Stress

We can’t always control what’s happening around us, but we can find ways to manage our stress and how we react to it so it doesn’t affect our health and wellbeing. These strategies can be helpful in making your holidays more enjoyable without the overwhelm.

1.      HYDRATE – Did you realize that at 1% dehydrated, you will start to have impaired brain function?  To keep your mental clarity, hydration is key!  Adequate hydration also supports energy levels, reduces headaches, supports bowel regularity and helps flush out toxins/waste.  Avoid unnecessary brain fog, constipation, fatigue and headaches with this simple strategy.  I recommend starting your day with 16-20 ounces of water and electrolytes (LMNT are my favorite)  Alternatively add a pinch of high quality sea salt and a squeeze of lemon.  The water replenishes fluid, but the electrolytes (salt) aid in making sure that the water you drink is actually getting into the cells.  Replacing electrolytes is also very supportive of adrenal function.

2.      GO FOR A WALK – Moving your body is important for many reasons.  But during the holidays, it’s especially helpful to get up and get moving. Even a 15-20 minute walk provides benefits to your physiology, but more importantly you mood and mental clarity. Taking a walk after meals has a powerful impact on managing your blood sugar, insulin and weight! Not a bad idea after the many holiday meals and special treats!

3.      PRIORITIZE PROTEIN – Holidays are meant to be enjoyed, which means you’ll likely indulge in some decadent meals and special treats. Starting your day with a protein focused meal will help stabilize your energy and appetite.  When you are at family dinners or parties, start with protein before reaching for the sugary treats.

4.      HAVE A MORNING ROUTINE – With so much going on, it can be hard to stay focused, or know which task to get done first.  Having a morning routine – one where you get up 15-30 minutes before everyone else – can help set the mood and momentum for the entire day. Drink your water, take some deep breaths, write down what you are grateful for – THEN, set your intentions for the day. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish without the overwhelm when you start the day with calm and clarity!

5.      DON’T SKIP SLEEP – I know. It’s hard to go to bed on time when there is so much to do.  But sleep is where you get to restore your energy, boost your immunity, clean out waste from your brain and body and reset your metabolism. Skipping sleep sets you up to have more cravings, mood swings, low energy and brain fog. Not a great way to get through the day. Give yourself permission to slow down before bed and go to bed so you can get up renewed and ready to move into the day.

6.      COMMIT TO SAYING NO – This is probably the most difficult strategy to put into practice. But when you learn to say NO to the things that aren’t absolutely necessary, you’ll have more energy to focus on this things that are most important. Give yourself grace to know that YOU don’t have to do it all and it doesn’t always have to be perfect. And that’s OK!  Take some time to think about what is most important to you and your family. Then when you are asked to do something or think you need to do something, ask yourself “is this on my list of what’s most important?” If it isn’t…..say NO!

Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Holiday Joy

There are so many things to love about the holidays, but feeling stressed out isn’t one of them. Use these tips and strategies to help reduce your stress, so you can find more joy in the season.   Remember, caring for yourself and doing what brings you joy is an important part of the holidays too!

Picture of graystarhealth


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